when you said those words, i know it's meant to be broken. And you didn't disappoint me; you're nowhere now. kthanksbye :)
on closures and leaving
I am a sucker for "they lived happily ever after" endings. I can't get over sad endings, those that someone leaves instead of lives. Both sound almost(?) the same but have completely different meaning.
I've been avoiding closure, not because I don't want relationships to end but because I rather want to believe nothing has ever started. I'm not histrionic whose world ends when someone leaves; on the contrary, I let people leave any time they want without actually holding them back, and sometimes I unconsciously push them away knowing it will just lead to another ending. For me, it hurts much more that something didn't last rather than it didn't exist at all. Leaving, either you're the one who left or is left behind, would always mark a scar. But even when I try to convince myself that nothing needs closure, I think it's necessary now. I'm dragged by it.
A closure would do; I am not expecting and wanting a new start.